The Woods Project is a custom home that was designed by Moore Construction based on a plan the client had created several years ago. The home is approximately 9000sqft with two detached garages. The home's exterior is covered with natural stone, split logs from the local sawmill, rusted tin roofing, and a new rubber shake roofing. Most of the timber used in the home was either taken from the site or from the local area. The tree that is used for the spiral staircase in the house came from the lot and weighs over 10,000lbs.
The mechanical systems will be an exercise in new technologies, efficiencies and functions. Using geothermal heating and cooling, radiant heat tubes in the floor system, computerized electrical wiring system, four story elevator, in wall vacuum system, you name it this house is getting it all.
Well, look at it. Actually the house up through enclosing and siding hasn't been that difficult. Sure, we had a 700ft long driveway; we drilled a well at the top of the property which hit a pocket of open space that caused some difficulties early on. We had a long distance to run the water line and power line. The weather has been a bit of a hurdle with cold winter days and rainy summer days. We really have had to stay on top of erosion control issues on this lot due to the proximity to the lake. The lot is pretty steep and we had to excavate multiple levels and create a lot of rock retaining walls. We have had difficulties bringing materials in and out of the site but, even with all those issues we are pushing forward and will get the job done.