The Regnery Project is a custom home that was designed by Richard MacCrea from Murphy N.C., the home is a passive solar design. In a passive solar home your home's windows, walls, and floors can be designed to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. Passive solar homes range from those heated almost entirely by the sun to those with south-facing windows that provide some fraction of the heating load.
Read more about passive solar homes: Builder Magazine and Passive Solar Institute
The project is located down a long drive that is nearly 750ft long so we had to run the power line that entire length. Also, cutting a long drive takes a lot of time and money. Covering the entire road with gravel can be a large expense. This lot had a lot of rock, rock in the road and rock in the house site. Some of that rock needed to be blasted in order to run sewer, power and water lines. During the beginning of this job, weather became a problem. With cold temps, heavy snowfalls and lots of rain there were considerable delays.